Research highlight from our latest study on the oldest sequenced RNA from a 14300 year old wolf was published on SciLiifeLab news site. Read the complete article here.
Research highlight from our latest study on the oldest sequenced RNA from a 14300 year old wolf was published on SciLiifeLab news site. Read the complete article here.
We congratulate Marcel on a successful dissertation defence today! Great work, Doctor Marcel Tarbier!!!
Marcel nailed his PhD thesis at SciLifeLab and MBW, Stockholm University.
We congratulate Wenjing on a successful dissertation defence today! Great work, Doctor Wenjing Kang!!! Wenjing Kang is the first PhD from Friedländer Lab.
Research highlight from our latest study on gene co-expression in single-cells was published on SciLiifeLab news site. Read the complete article here.
Marc Friedländer’s research highlights published at Stockholm University news. Read the news article here.
Wenjing nailed her PhD thesis at SciLifeLab and MBW, Stockholm University today. She is now gearing up for the defence which is in a few weeks.
Kavan, master thesis student in our lab, is embarking on an exciting journey to do his PhD at EMBL. He is starting his PhD studies later this month in the group of Olivier Duss, EMBL.
Mika and Kavan accomplished excellent work and defended their Master projects in the frame of the SciLifeLab Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science (KI/KTH/SU). Our hearty congratulations to Mika and Kavan!
Starting in April, Laura Stanicek will join us as a postdoctoral fellow. She will be heading up the development of combined quantitative single cell proteomics and transcriptomics.
Mika and Kavan will be starting new scientific adventures in our group as they pursue the SciLifeLab Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science (KI/KTH/SU) this spring.
Wenjing presents miRTrace selected for this year’s SciLifeLab Scientific Highlights.
Today we publish a comprehensive yet brief video tutorial on installation and usage of miRTrace – our quality control and taxonomic tracing software published in Genome Biology last year.