Marc Friedländer, PhD
Principal investigator
Associate professor
My key aim for the group is to address fundamental questions in RNA biology by bringing numbers and quantitative statements to the field.
+46 73 712 1558
Inna Biryukova, PhD
Senior scientist and lab manager
Biologist interested in RNA-based regulation of neurogenesis, development and innate immunity, quantitative and systems biology.
Morteza Aslanzadeh
PhD student
My research area focuses on gene expression covariances in single cells. For this, I identify sets of genes that covary strongly in their expression, and then I apply an unbiased screening approach to reveal which main regulator causes the covariances for the given set.
Vaishnovi Sekar
PhD student
I am interested in the regulatory functions of microRNAs and the interaction with their targets in an individual cell. For this, I will analyze highly custom single cell transcriptome data and integrate these into a mathematical model describing microRNA functions.
Panagiotis Kalogeropoulos
PhD student
My PhD project revolves around the discovery and profiling of regulatory RNAs. In my main project I try to discover cancer specific miRNAs that are not present in any healthy tissue by mining the TCGA dataset.
Daniela Almeida
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher
Daniela Almeida works in Evolutionary Biology/Bioinformatics/Transcriptomics/Proteomics with experience obtaining and analyzing large genomic/proteomic datasets to understand metazoans’ functional adaptation through RNA-seq, shotgun proteomics, phylogenetic reconstruction, and models of molecular adaptation. As a collaboration between SciLifeLab/Stockholm University (secondment institution, Sweden) and the Departments of “Zoology and Physical Anthropology” and “Cellular Biology and Histology” of the University of Murcia (host institution, Spain), Daniela Almeida develops the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie BIOPTAL project ( The main goal of this MSCA project is to provide new omics data by performing a multi-omics high-throughput screening of bioactive natural compounds from unchallenged and challenged common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) to identify antimicrobial peptides that can turn out to be promising candidates as therapeutic agents for numerous industrial sectors, mainly in the aquaculture area.
Tiago Figueiredo
Exchange student
My main field is molecular biology associated with Health Sciences. However, I have always been quite interested in computational biology which led me to pursue an Erasmus in the area. Now I am primarily working with sequencing data and conducting transcriptomic analysis on non-model organisms to deepen our understanding of them.
Maria Alejandra Ulloa
Internship student
I am a microbiologist with an interest in bioinformatics and the analysis of various types of omics data. I have some experience working with metagenomic data from microbial communities and ultimately, I would like to explore the interactions between the microbiota and the host’s immune system. Currently, I am venturing into the field of small RNAs, focusing specifically on the analysis of miRNAs related to cancer, among other projects.
Former group members
Jonatan Jönsson
Project student, 2023
Laura Stanicek
Post-doc, 2020-2023
Amelie Carlström
Master’s student, 2022
Emilio Mármol Sánchez
Post-doc, 2020-2022
Senior data scientist in Computational Biology at AstraZeneca
Izabela Nowak
Project Student, 2021
Bastian Fromm, PhD
Senior researcher
Group Leader at UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet, Tromso, Norway
Evangelos Doukoumopoulos
Project Student
Project student at Alexander Espinosa’s lab in CMM at KI, Stockholm
Yrin Eldfjell
Software developer for miRTrace
Marcel Tarbier
PhD Student
Post-doc researcher with Vicent Pelechano at KI/Scilifelab, Stockholm
Wenjing Kang
PhD Student
Post-doc researcher with Magda Bienko at KI/Scilifelab, Stockholm
Kavan Gor
Master’s Student, 2019-2020
PhD student with Olivier Duss at EMBL, Heidelberg
Mika Ito
Master’s Student, 2019–2020
Cecilia Furugård
Project Student, 2019
Regulatory Associate at Medhouse, Stockholm
Maxine van Hagen
Intern, 2019
Till Schwämmle
Intern, 2018
PhD student with Edda Schulz at MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Franziska Bonath, PhD
Post-doc, 2015-2018
Staff Scientist at NGI Sweden in Stockholm (Applications Development)
Sebastian Mackowiak, PhD
Post-doc, 2015-2018
Staff Scientist at Charité (BIG) Berlin
Etka Yapar
Erasmus student, 2017
PhD student in biodiversity at Lund University
Kostas Tsirigos
Intern, computational researcher, 2017
Project manager at Open Targets, Copenhagen
Silvana Sidhom
Erasmus student, 2017
Nam Vu
Intern, 2016
Fullstack Software Developer at 29k, Stockholm
Samuel Gerner
Erasmus student, 2016
PhD student with Thomas Rattei at University of Vienna
Stefanie Ende
Erasmus student, 2016
PhD student with Friedemann Horn at Fraunhofer IZI, Leipzig